Featured snippets are very on-trend in SEO strategies at the moment. This is what they look like:
They represent a stroke of genius by Google: by pulling select content through to the SERPs they achieve three goals simultaneously:
- Searchers are given quicker access to the information they’re looking for
- Content writers are encouraged to write quality and answer-driven content
- The SEO industry as a whole is coaxed toward techniques that genuinely improve the state of the internet
In short:
That’s all very nice, but how do I get a featured snippet?
Google is characteristically reticent with explicit information on how to get your content featured in snippets, but there are some commonly accepted suggestions:
- Answer the questions people are actually asking, not the ones you think they’re asking. This means research. Look on Quora, Reddit, Yahoo Answers, Google’s related searches, etc.
- Make headings, and ideally your content title, into questions.
- Include a concise summary of the answer, then provide further information where necessary.
- Format answers in a concise and punchy way: bullet points are good, reams of waffle aren’t.
- ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Don’t go off on a tangent and omit the actual answer.
And remember, these tips increase the likelihood of getting your content featured. They are by no means a guarantee.
Good luck, and Godspeed.